Why Work With Me?

Trying to find quality business partners in other countries can be a nightmare, top quality service, reliable manufacturing and solid business base are difficult to come by, that’s where I come in. I have many global contacts who have proven track records in manufacturing and drop shipping product. My years of experience in dealing with the art and framing industry ensures the right fit for the job.

Frequently Asked Questions

I essentially offer a brokerage for those looking to be connected to a partner for art and Images. Whether you’re a framer, an interior designer or a publisher, if you offer quality work and great customer service, I can set you up with a partner in manufacturing and fulfilment on any continent you choose, I’m here to help. 

The main users will be the Photographic industry, publishers, Interior designers and Web based businesses, all these industries need a global reach, I provide that global connection that can expand your business with lower costs and high returns.

It’s a simple connection business but with a twist, all the connection are companies I know and have dealt with for many years, they are tried and trusted, with commitment to service.

It may take you months to find the right partner with many hours of searching, with my help, this cuts down time, cost and risk.

If you want to avoid a huge carbon footprint, high transport costs and long lead times or just need a helping hand then yes, you do need help with network connections.

I try to work closely with the companies that can deliver locally and efficiently, to a high quality, regardless of size. Companies I know and recommend will all have full printing and fulfilment capabilities.

Get In Touch

Even if you don’t know quite what you require yet, having a chat can often help guide you on the path. 

Get in touch, even if I can’t help, I may be able to put you in touch with someone who can.